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G. Summary

Table 4-25 summarizes and highlights the main elements of the statistical and attitudinal profiles of the seven cities under study. The results of this chapter provide a basis for a more analytic discussion, later in the report, of the relationship between geographical mobility among refugees on the one hand, and community attitudes and demographics on the other.

Table 4-25
Host Community Profiles: Demographics and Community Attitudes


Demographics: Large urban centre. "Typical" age-sex distribution. Very highly educated population. Average family size. Home ownership prevalent.
Cultural Diversity: High level of cultural and population diversity. Immigrants/refugees very prevalent in absolute and relative terms. High level share of visible minorities covering a wide range. Heritage languages very prevalent.
Labour force indicators: Relatively high unemployment rate. Highly service-based economy. Average yearly household income medium-high. Residents somewhat optimistic about the future.
Geographical Mobility: Intraprovincial and out-of-province slightly less prevalent. Medium-high proportion of immigrants.
Attitudes toward community of residence: Positive.
Community attitudes toward cultural diversity and immigrants: Very friendly and welcoming. Open to immigration and cultural diversity.


Demographics: Large urban centre. "Typical" age-sex distribution. Very highly educated population. Average family size. Home ownership prevalent.
Cultural Diversity: High level of cultural and population diversity. Immigrants/refugees very prevalent in absolute and relative terms. High level share of visible minorities covering a wide range. Heritage languages highly prevalent.
Labour force indicators: Relatively low unemployment rate. Service-based economy. Average yearly household income somewhat high. Residents quite optimistic about the future.
Geographical Mobility: Intraprovincial and out-of-province slightly less prevalent. Relatively high proportion of immigrants.
Attitudes toward community of residence: Very positive.
Community attitudes toward cultural diversity and immigrants: Very friendly and welcoming. Open to immigration and cultural diversity.


Demographics: Medium-small urban centre. Relatively older population. Highly educated population. Average family size. Home ownership prevalent.
Cultural Diversity: Medium level of cultural and population diversity. Immigrants/refugees present in modest numbers. Medium level share of visible minorities (particularly Chinese and Japanese). Heritage languages very prevalent.
Labour force indicators: Relatively low unemployment rate. Highly service-based economy. Average yearly household income medium-low. Residents somewhat optimistic about the future.
Geographical Mobility: Intraprovincial and out-of-province slightly less prevalent. Medium-high proportion of immigrants.
Attitudes toward community of residence: Very positive.
Community attitudes toward cultural diversity and immigrants: Friendly and welcoming. Highly open to immigration and cultural diversity.

Red Deer

Demographics: Medium-small urban centre. "Typical" age-sex distribution. Highly educated population. Average family size. Home ownership prevalent.
Cultural Diversity: Low level of cultural and population diversity. Immigrants/refugees present in modest numbers. Relatively low level share of visible minorities (particularly Chinese, South Asian and Latin American). Heritage languages somewhat prevalent.
Labour force indicators: Relatively high unemployment rate. Service-based economy. Average yearly household income medium-low. Residents quite optimistic about the future.
Geographical Mobility: Intraprovincial and out-of-province migrants prevalent. Relatively lower proportion of immigrants.
Attitudes toward community of residence: Very positive.
Community attitudes toward cultural diversity and immigrants: Very friendly and welcoming. Highly open to immigration and cultural diversity.

Medicine Hat

Demographics: Medium-small urban centre. Relatively older population. Fairly educated population with prevalence of less than high school education. Average family size. Home ownership prevalent.
Cultural Diversity: Medium-low level of cultural and population diversity. Immigrants/refugees present in modest numbers. Relatively low level share of visible minorities (including Chinese, Latin American and South Asian). Heritage languages very prevalent.
Labour force indicators: Medium-high unemployment rate. Highly service-based economy. Average yearly household income relatively low. Residents quite optimistic about the future.
Geographical Mobility: Intraprovincial and out-of-province slightly less prevalent. Relatively lower proportion of immigrants.
Attitudes toward community of residence: Very positive.
Community attitudes toward cultural diversity and immigrants: Highly friendly and welcoming. Highly open to immigration and cultural diversity.

Grande Prairie

Demographics: Small urban centre. Somewhat youthful population. Fairly educated population with prevalence of trades skills. Average family size. Home ownership prevalent.
Cultural Diversity: Low level of cultural and population diversity. Immigrants/refugees present in smaller numbers. Relatively low level share of visible minorities (including Chinese, South Asian, and Latin American). Heritage languages somewhat prevalent.
Labour force indicators: Medium-high unemployment rate. Resource-based economy. Average yearly household income medium-high. Residents quite optimistic about the future.
Geographical Mobility: Intraprovincial and out-of-province migrants prevalent. Very low proportion of immigrants.
Attitudes toward community of residence: Very positive.
Community attitudes toward cultural diversity and immigrants: Very friendly and welcoming. Highly open to immigration and cultural diversity.

Fort McMurray

Demographics: Small urban centre. Very youthful population. Fairly educated population with prevalence of trades skills. Average family size. Home ownership prevalent.
Cultural Diversity: Medium-low level of cultural and population diversity. Immigrants/refugees present in smaller numbers. Medium level share of visible minorities (particularly South Asian but also Chinese. Heritage languages somewhat prevalent.
Labour force indicators: Medium-high unemployment rate. Resource-based economy. Average yearly household income relatively high. Residents somewhat optimistic about the future.
Geographical Mobility: Intraprovincial and out-of-province migrants prevalent. Relatively lower proportion of immigrants.
Attitudes toward community of residence: Positive.
Community attitudes toward cultural diversity and immigrants: Highly friendly and welcoming. Highly open to immigration and cultural diversity.


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